Making Sure The Concrete is Your Home is Cared For

Three Practical Steps for Sealing Your Exposed Aggregate Concrete Surface

Exposed aggregate concrete pavements are appealing due to their unique texture and the incorporated decorative stones. Moreover, these surfaces are strong and can withstand force without cracking and mechanical stress. Therefore, you will have long-term service after the installation of the structure. Unfortunately, like other concrete surfaces, exposed aggregate pavements are porous. If the floors or pavements are left bare, they will allow seepage of moisture into the structure, and the deterioration of the structure could be accelerated. If you are concerned about this form of degradation in your home, you should consider these simple steps for sealing your surface to prevent moisture absorption.

Choose the Best Sealer

You should select an ideal sealer for your exposed aggregate floors for the best performance and appeal. The choice of product will determine the final appearance of the coating and its ability to protect your surfaces. In general, you should choose a liquid which will protect the concrete from moisture absorption and repel grease and oil stains. The coating should also be treated for UV resistance. Otherwise, the layer might start yellowing due to exposure to the sun. You should also be keen on choosing the general aesthetic properties of the sealer. A high-gloss sheen sealer will enhance the appearance of the exposed aggregate in the concrete. You can also choose a tinted or clear product, depending on your preferences.

Clean the Concrete Surface

You should clean the exposed aggregate pavement or flooring with care before proceeding with the sealing project. This step is critical for the success of your improvement work. If the surface is dirty, your sealing coat might not adhere to the surface, or it will fail prematurely. You should use an appropriate concrete cleaning agent to eliminate dirt, oil and stains. You should scrub the surface with an appropriate nylon brush to remove the settled in markings and stubborn stains. Once you are satisfied with your results, you should rinse the concrete thoroughly to remove the cleaning agent.

Apply the Sealer

You should wait for your exposed aggregate surface to dry before proceeding to the sealer application process. Sealing products will not adhere to a soaking floor, but you can coat a slightly damp floor. You should prepare your container of concrete sealer by stirring for complete integration. Once you are satisfied with the material, you should apply it using a paint roller or brush. You should cover the entire surface systematically and evenly to achieve a uniform protective layer.  Allow time for drying before using the surface.